Travel Tips

Why Guidebooks are Still an Essential Travel Item

Why Guidebooks are Still an Essential Travel Item

If you are planning on travelling and backpacking around you might think twice about purchasing a guide book, after all they are big, bulky, and heavy to carry, you decide against them. And though you are able to find some very good travel guides and travel blogs online which provide you with useful and informative information on most travel destinations, this article explores why guidebooks are still an essential and recommended travel item to have with you.

You can plan your journey on the fly

Planning ahead isn’t always feasible as circumstances can change, so if you have an up-to-date guide book you can plan what to do, where to eat and what to see as you travel around. If you are travelling for a considerable length of time it will be impossible to plan for every eventuality so you will appreciate having information on hand when travelling.

Guidebooks are a good time killer

Whilst sitting at the station or enduring an arduous bus journey you can pass the time by reading about your destination and making plans for when you arrive.

Guidebooks do the hard work for you

Instead of looking for all the important telephone numbers and finding out what to do in an emergency, a comprehensive guidebook should have all the information you need, saving you time on having to find all this information online.

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Guidebooks are written by real travellers

Most well written guidebooks are written by real travellers in who have first hand travel experiences. Some of the travel guides written online are written with the intention of selling you something. Though you will find many firsthand accounts of travelling online, be wary of which guides are written by companies trying to get you to purchase something.

Some quick tips for choosing guidebook

  • Choose a well established publisher known for quality
  • Choose an up-to-date guidebook as destinations change over time and guides can easily be outdated
  • Don’t choose a book covering multiple countries as you will sacrifice on quality, buy a book which focuses on one country and you will find better advice.

Don’t worry about buying a guidebook for each destination before you go, normally you can pick up guidebooks along the way.

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